Clan - is a formation of in-game community that will have a special game process controls and managements. Clans are often made for competitive or social reasons and allow players to work together in special clan matches or to gain more revenue.

User can create a clan for 2500 ZMLN

Clan owner can:

Clan participant can:

Rating & Level

Clan starts from level 1. Level is based on clan rating. Every next level clan owner and participants will receive bonuses. Clan rating based on sum of all user ratings

Also rating is a multiplier value for initial stake (in terms of staking). The maximum staking bonus can be up to +12% ZMLN for initial stake**.**

Level rating participant limit staking bonus (in progress) owner bonus (in progress)
1 0-500 10 3%
2 500-1000 15 5% - 500 ZMLN